Friday, August 28, 2015

Indian Epics Class Overview

Looking over all that we are going to study in this class is exciting for me.  I signed up for this class last semester because I knew I was going to India over the summer, and I thought it would be fun to learn even more about India after I came home! One thing I am excited for is to read more stories about the epics.  Indians love (and I mean extremely love) to tell stories and to hear them. This is one thing I learned while there.  They would love to tell me stories about their culture and their Hindu gods.  I had never heard anything about it before so it was so interesting to me! I learned so much just by experiencing their culture for 6 weeks, it would be so incredible to go their for longer!
This is a picture I took while at a temple in Pune, India.  
In the top window are statues of some gods they worship.  

One thing I am really excited to learn about the new gods I will read about is what they mean to the Indians.  While there, when they were telling stories about their gods, they kept telling me what they pray to those gods for.  "We pray to Ganesh for protection" etc.  they would tell me.  It was super interesting getting to learn about a new culture and I am excited to dive deeper. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

These are a Few of my Favorite Places (:

1- One of my ~fAvOrItE pLaCeS~ is my house in Norman!! We call it the TREEHOUSE! I live here with my best friends and it is definitely my home away from home.  My roommates are Amber, Megan, Sheridan, and Terren (and Terren's bunny Ellie Bean).  We are super close friends who love to waste too much time laughing, eating m&ms and skinny pop, and watching stupid Netflix movies.
This is the picture we took the first day of school on Monday.  
Left to right is Sheridan, me, Megan, Amber, and Terren. 

I cannot wait of the many memories to come from living in this house with these wonderful ladies.  I am excited for the year to come!

2- My other favorite place in the whole world is Pune, Maharashtra, India.  I went for 6 weeks this summer on a culture exchange.  I have never experienced anything quite like the colors, smells, and sights of India.  It is so wonderful and I would love to be able to go back one day.  My favorite memories in Pune were with the friends I made while there and their families.  The family structure in India is so different than in America but it is something we could definitely learn from.
This is a picture with my friend Kimaya and her parents.  
Her mom made a traditional Indian lunch for us that was delicious. 

This was when we went hiking on the outskirts of Pune to a fort.  
It was pouring rain and was quite the challenge, but I'm glad I did it.  

The places I've been, or stay in, are wonderful, but it is the people I'm with that give me true joy.  I love my friends around me so much and couldn't imagine this life without them!

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